Kobbie Mainoo 已准备好在 2024 年欧洲杯上发挥自己的作用

Kobbie Mainoo 已准备好在 2024 年欧洲杯上发挥自己的作用

Kobbie Mainoo英格兰队战平斯洛文尼亚队。

Mainoo was joined off the bench by both Cole Palmer and Anthony Gordon as the game went on, with all three making a positive impression in the later stages.“Me and Cole are ready,” he added. “We’re ready whenever we’re called upon, like the rest of the lads are. “We train hard and in the game when we get our chance, we try and impress so we can help the team as much as possible.“Everyone knows that Cole is electric, we’ve seen in the Premier League what he can do. He’s continuing that and I’m sure he’ll continue to do it in the next round. “He’s one of the best in training every day, he never lets off the gas, he’s already trying to score goals, to get better, like the rest of the lads are. That’s what we need.”England will face their Round of 16 game at EURO 2024 on Sunday 30 June (5pm BST) in Gelsenkirchen.

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