

今天早上(星期四)球员们返回伦诺克斯敦训练营,卫冕冠军已经进入倒计时。 那些在夏天没有参加国际比赛的凯尔特人队在第一次季前训练之前聚集在一起,虽然比赛要到八月初才开始,但夏季的第一场比赛最早将于下周开始。2024/25 SPFL 赛程下周五将开始五场预训练- 在苏格兰和大西洋彼岸的美国对阵曼城和切尔西等球队的赛季比赛,所有 比赛都可以在 凯尔特人电视台 上观看。助理教练,五场 正在展望赛季开始,冠军们现在开始认真准备战斗,以重复上赛季的成功。他说:“我认为我们都很兴奋。这是一个令人惊叹的场景,我们已经看过几次了,但当你赢得奖杯并回到凯尔特人公园时,它肯定不会过时。约翰·肯尼迪“只有那个时刻,每个人都聚集在一起,你可以庆祝,因为去年有时会是一个艰难的赛季,因此也面临着挑战,但最终当你看到每个人都聚集在一起时,一切都是值得的。

“So the message from the off is we are going out to do the business again and that’s always going to be there with the support of the Celtic fans.”

Kennedy added: “It’s two things, it’s to celebrate the achievement of the previous season, which is always nice with the flag being unfurled and still remembering the work that was done last year and what we achieved.“There’s a lot of work to be done before that comes around, but especially for the fans with the fixtures coming out today, they’ll be getting excited about the football coming back around and looking forward to seeing the players and the team back on the pitch again.”Among that work will be the pre-season games, and the assistant manager said: “It’s a bit different for us this year, we normally go away to Austria, last year we were in Portugal and had a camp out there where we started the games, whereas this year we’re going to the States.“We just thought this year, we’ve got a great facility here, the way the players are filtering back in, it’s probably best that we base ourselves here for a couple of weeks before we head off, so with that it then gives us the chance to play local games here in Scotland.“It will be good for us and it’s just building blocks as we’ll get the work in with the training, but, again there comes a point when you have to start getting the match-time as it’s a different type of fitness.“It’s a really important phase when you start getting into that match routine, the prep for the games, you execute how you want to play and then the review process starts with that as well.“It’s important for us regardless of the opposition, we’ll get the minutes in early doors, and obviously when we go to the States we’ve got some challenging games which is again another step forward.”You can see all five games on Celtic TVSUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT CELTICFC.TVWatch the full video to hear John Kennedy on:

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