

我们总是被告知,足球是一项团队运动。为什么我们会被告知这一点?因为这显然是正确的!虽然进球者总是会吸引人们的注意,但近年来新一波的统计学家强调了最好的球探和教练一直都知道的事情——进球者和进球者都值得他们关注。黄金重量。助攻栏已加入与出场次数和进球数相同的表现图表中,旁边还有不那么受欢迎的黄牌和红牌统计,现在公众可以将数字告诉得分手背后的人。跳跃的名字马特·奥莱利(Matt O'Riley)本赛季对篮球迷来说是缺席的。这位丹麦国脚不仅在本赛季以 18 次助攻高居榜首,而且在 2023/24 赛季他与 Kyogo 并列 19 粒进球,在两方面都占有一席之地。他们总共进了 38 个进球,你可以打赌,奥莱利的 18 次助攻中很少有为京吾进球的,这位中场球员对他与日本前锋的关系感到高兴。他告诉最新一期的凯尔特人观点:“这非常好,无论是在场内还是场外,我发现他真的很容易打球,因为他的跑动非常好。“我认为他相信我总是会注意踢球,因为我会尽可能向前看,所以从我在这里的第一个赛季到现在,我们的关系非常好。“我不知道这个数字是多少,但我确信我的很多助攻都是为了他。”

As to what his favourite assist or goal from the season is, there are possibly too many to choose from, but one tournament in particular has nourished a source of pride in his assists.He said: “I like my Champions League ones just purely because every assist was probably one of my best assists in terms of my whole career.“That’s just pretty cool to have all of your assists in the same campaign being at a high level. And also just when you play at that level you can show that you can perform at a high level.”It’s a similar conundrum when it comes to goals as he has fired in a few worldies this season, but scoring a double in the title-clinching game at Kilmarnock produced one of his best.He recalled: “That was cool – it was a nice way to finish off the league. That was the best we’ve played, and to do it on astro as well, it’s not actually that easy.“So that was a really fun night and, for me personally, that was the night where everything kind of sunk in in terms of the league.“Because it was a very long season and there were definitely a lot of ups and downs for all of us, and just getting over the line in that manner was really nice.”The latest 100-page edition of the Celtic View celebrating the Double winners and the first-time title-winning Celtic FC Women is out now and is available to buy in official Celtic stores and you can also order online NOW!And the magazine is packed with exclusive interviews, stories and features as both Hoops teams finished the season in trophy-winning style.Brendan Rodgers speaks exclusively to the View as do 2023/24 trophy-winning heroes, Callum McGregor, Joe Hart, Matt O’Riley, Cameron Carter-Vickers, Greg Taylor and Adam Idah.Elena Sadiku looks back at a fantastic season for Celtic FC Women, and is joined by skipper, Kelly Clark, goal-scorer, Amy Gallacher and long-term Celt, Chloe Craig.And there’s plenty more in your 100-page Double-winning Celtic View including the chance to WIN the new Celtic home kit and it's also the perfect reading material to pick up at the Glasgow Airport Celtic Store if you're flying off on your hols..The latest edition of the 100-page Double-winning Celtic View is out NOW and is available to buy in all official Celtic retail stores or to order onlineORDER THE VIEW ONLINEOFFICIAL CELTIC STORES

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