英格兰 x 进球点击:Natasha Bispham

英格兰 x 进球点击:Natasha Bispham

从兰开夏郡到伦敦,从南安普顿到谢菲尔德,球迷们分享他们的足球故事以及主客场支持英格兰队对他们意味着什么。Natasha Bispham 30 岁,住在牛津郡,作为三巨头的一员,她自豪地支持英格兰队狮子的骄傲。



 我的名字是娜塔莎,大多数人都叫我塔什。我刚满 30 岁,来自埃塞克斯,但过去 20 年一直住在牛津郡地区,担任数据分析师。我是一名泛性恋女性,我最近嫁给了我爱的男人。


很难找到词语来形容足球对我的意义。我十岁的时候就开始玩了。我曾经和邻居一起踢球时担任守门员,他的姐姐提到她的 U12 队 Kingsclere FC 需要守门员 - 所以我加入了。




足球对我来说就是一切,现在 30 岁了,我仍在为 Wantage Town FC 效力。


2022 年 10 月,我膝盖严重受伤,目前无法参加比赛。这次受伤和新冠病毒夺走了我的比赛能力,我现在意识到足球对我的心理健康有多么重要,如果没有足球,我会多么迷失。观看足球比赛帮助我密切关注这项运动,因为我会分析比赛并想象我在球场上踢球。

Home and away


My first experience watching England was going to a few U21 international matches when I was a child with my dad. I remember him taking me to Madejski Stadium in Reading to watch them play Latvia. I must have been around 12 years old.


I did not go to my first men’s national team match until I was 28. This was shortly after EURO 2020 when I joined Three Lions Pride and had a group of people who I could attend matches with. I never felt safe or comfortable going to a match alone before because I felt vulnerable as a woman travelling alone. This fear was exacerbated as many matches did not end until it was dark. For me, the Three Lions Pride provides safety in numbers.


The first match I travelled abroad for was the EURO 2024 qualifier against Italy in Naples. My friend Joe and I travelled together to watch them play which was an experience in itself, as Joe is an experienced England travelling supporter.


EURO 2024 in Germany is the first tournament I am attending and I’m excited about it. The travel and atmosphere I will experience being there will be so different from being at home.


Before this, I always watched the team on TV, sometimes with my football team, hosting a watch party at my house or finding a local pub where we could go together and join other enthusiastic supporters.


I am a massive supporter of both the men’s and women's national teams. I try to watch every match I can, wherever I am. I try to find a TV showing it so I can cheer and support them. If I cannot find one, then I try to use my phone or radio to listen to the commentary instead.


Three Lions Pride


Three Lions Pride is a voluntary-run LGBTQ+ England fan group. It was founded in 2016 by Joe and Di ahead of the men’s World Cup in Russia. There are now 268 members and growing! I have been a part of Three Lions Pride since 2021, and in the last three years I have experienced so many amazing things with them. I would not have even thought about going to a tournament without being a part of this group and the community it offers.


We organise socials for the home matches for people to get together before the game and chat all things football!


As part of Three Lions Pride, I am involved in discussions with the FA about the ongoing issue of equality in England matches and the tournaments they are playing in. There are always meetings and conversations around how to make supporting England safe for all LGBTQ+ fans, wherever it may take us.

Fuelling the fire


My favourite tournament was the 2006 World Cup in Germany. I broke my ankle shortly before the tournament started so I was stuck at home, but this meant I could watch every single match of the tournament. We lost to Portugal on penalties in the quarter-finals (we will not talk about the Rooney red card) but it was the first time I followed an entire tournament from start to finish and the fire to follow England began to burn.


Fans and friends


Since I have had my own income, I have always tried to get the new England shirt to show my support for the team. When I was younger, we had car flags on our windows. Otherwise, in recent years I have expressed my support by cheering them on in the stadium with fellow supporters!


I will stay in Düsseldorf this summer with my friends and fellow Three Lions Pride members, Julian and Joe. We have tickets to all the group stage matches and hope we can follow England all the way to the knockout stages together!


England favourites


My favourite current England men's player is Declan Rice. I love how he has worked his way up and is now one of the central players in the England squad. When I look back at where I have played most of my career, it has been as a defensive midfielder, so I can relate to his playing style.


My all-time favourite England player is David Seaman, as I was a goalkeeper in my early football career. I was always inspired to be like him and see if I could become a goalkeeper for the England women’s team.


Sticking with the game


I have followed Arsenal ever since I started playing. My aunt, uncle and cousins are season ticket holders and now and again would take me to matches as a child. Now I go with friends I have made as part of Three Lions Pride who are also Gooners! 


I wanted to make a career in football as a performance analyst, however, I found it difficult to secure a placement for my Master's study. It was during this time that I realised how difficult it is to be a woman in a male-dominated sport. During interviews, I was made to feel like I did not know much about football, despite playing for years.


I have faced a lot of discrimination within the sport, especially as a referee. I stopped refereeing when I was 15 years old because I could not deal with the fear I had when officiating the boys’ games. Even during some of the girls’ games, the male coaches or fathers would shout abuse in my direction. I ultimately decided to pursue football as a hobby, instead of a career. 

Escaping through football


Football is my escape and my safe place. It allows me to unwind and forget other things going on in my life. Yes, supporting England can be stressful and it can be painful, but it can also be exciting, thrilling and so much fun. 


Mentally, not playing football has been a struggle for me for the last two years, and I have found it tough to watch my team play because all I dream of is being on that field with them. It is hard for some people to imagine what it’s like to cross the white lines, leave your worries behind and immerse yourself in the game.


Watching England, especially with how much the team has improved, has allowed me to stay close to the game.


Everyone belongs


As a child, I was bullied as a girl playing football and called “masculine” because I enjoyed playing the sport. The national team has allowed me to find the LGBTQ+ group Three Lions Pride and other like-minded and enthusiastic England supporters. It is special to me because I can be myself without fear and support my team at home with others, which makes me feel less lonely.


Sadly, it is not completely easy for me to follow England away as some host countries are not friendly towards my sexuality and my gender. Qatar was one example which could have been my first tournament but the cons outweighed the pros for attending. With the potential for Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, it does raise concerns but hopefully, we can help to make a difference to make football for everyone.


With more people feeling comfortable, they might not know where they belong in football. I want to make sure that, regardless of gender or sexuality, everyone can still play the sport they enjoy and support the team they love.

The entire 90 minutes

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