三狮军团为 2024 年欧洲杯举行皇家欢送会

三狮军团为 2024 年欧洲杯举行皇家欢送会

squad numbers for the tournament

Three Lions captain Harry Kane was first to be greeted by HRH, before the rest of the squad followed on in their squad number order.For players such as Kyle Walker, John Stones and Kane, EURO 2024 will be their fifth major tournament with England while for eleven players in the squad it will be their first.There was also a special presentation made by HRH to Southgate to commemorate reaching the milestone of 150 matches as a player (57) and manager (93) in the international with Belgium at Wembley in March.After meeting the squad, HRH spent time with some local youngsters who were playing a tournament at St. George’s Park.You can see the England squad’s final departure from St. George’s Park on our live show, presented by Josh Denzel and Jill Scott.

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