

我们可能还处于六月初,但凯尔特人女足的准备工作已经在顺利进行,因为埃琳娜·萨迪库欢迎她在夏季首次签约俱乐部。瑞典主帅很快就采取了行动,将其加入到她的阵容中2024/25 赛季,香农·麦格雷戈 (Shannon McGregor) 加盟俱乐部。这位中场球员从 SWPL 球队希伯尼安 (Hibernian) 转会到天堂队,过去七年里,她为首都球队出场 100 多次。作为凯尔特人队的终身支持者,加入女孩队是她的梦想成真,因为她在凯尔特人公园签下了一份为期三年的合同。在第一次接受凯尔特人电视台独家采访时,麦格雷戈坚称她已经很高兴能够加入即将迎来新赛季,她正在为第一次上篮球做好准备。她说:“首先,我只想说,这对我来说是梦想成真。我是凯尔特人队的忠实球迷,所以我欣喜若狂。“我真的很期待成为一名凯尔特人球员。这对我来说将是一个巨大的改变,但这是我真正期待做的事情。

“我一直将凯尔特人视为一支我非常喜欢其比赛风格的球队,我觉得我可以看到自己融入其中。 “这种进攻风格和积极的进攻风格。”

Alongside coming up against the Celts on a number of occasions during her time in the capital, the midfielder will also be familiar with a number of faces amongst the current Celtic squad.Playing alongside both Colette Cavanagh and Amy Gallacher with Hibernian, the newest signing boasts Champions League experience, which will be another useful addition to the squad.After speaking with Elena Sadiku at length ahead of her move to Glasgow, McGregor is looking forward to getting back to work in the summer ahead of her first season with the club.“I think everyone who knows me would say I’m very hard working and determined,” she said. “I’ll give one-hundred percent every game.”“I know some of the girls really well from my time at Hibernian. I was really close with Amy Gallacher when she was there.“I also know Colette Cavanagh so it’s great to have those girls, which will help me settle in a little bit more because it will be really new for me.“I’m really looking forward to getting another taste of Champions League football. I think that is something that, at this point in my career, I wanted to succeed towards.“Coming to Celtic was a huge part of that. I really enjoyed playing in the competition with Hibs, and now I can’t wait to do that with Celtic.“I had a great chat with Elena. We’ve had a few long chats, and they’ve been great. I think she likes the mentality of players, and I believe I have that sort of mentality going forward.”“A lot of people don’t like that side of things, which I’m quite grateful for. I enjoy fitness and stuff like that, so I am really looking forward to it.”

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