

如果凯尔特人球迷发现史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格为乔·哈特上赛季编写了剧本,那就不会感到惊讶了。篮球队守门员今年早些时候宣布,他将在本赛季结束时结束职业足球运动员的职业生涯。这位 37 岁的球员以联赛和杯赛双冠王的成绩结束了令人难以置信的职业生涯。不仅如此,凯尔特人队在最后一刻戏剧性地战胜了流浪者队,锁定了苏格兰杯冠军。在汉普顿队获胜后接受采访, 说:“我真的很自豪能成为一支出色团队的一员,这支团队已经被推向了极限,我们已经取得了胜利,这是一种很棒的感觉。“我觉得这是正确的决定宣布我要完成。赛季那个时候没有任何承诺,但我只是想减轻俱乐部的压力。Joe Hart

“这是一场紧张的比赛,一场如此激烈的比赛,而且内容很少。我认为流浪者队表现出色,让我们处境艰难,而且这是第 90 分钟的进球——你不能写这个,对吧!我认为我们最终表现得非常好并得到了结果。”“It was a tight game, such an edgy game and there was very little in it. I thought Rangers were good and made it tough for us, and it’s a 90th minute goal – you can’t write this, can you! And I thought we played out really well at the end and got the result.”

As his named reverberated around the National Stadium, Joe Hart soaked up the moment, applauding the Celtic fans who were singing his praises.After three years at the club, Joe Hart leaves with three league titles, two League Cup and two Scottish Cup medals, and many memories made over 153 appearances for the club.And from the moment he arrived at Celtic until the final whistle at Hampden on Saturday, his only focus has been on helping the team.“That’s the only reason I’ve got myself in the career that I’ve got because I know I’m part of a team,” he said.“I feel that, as a goalkeeper, that’s a mentality that’s inside me, it’s how I work on a day-to-day basis. I walk round like a goalkeeper, I make decisions like a goalkeeper but we can only win it as a team.“I just do my best to lock it up at the back and make people safe, and allow the boys to express themselves.“I stand here with the medals, but to get to where I’ve got to, I have an absolutely immense family, a real close-knit bunch of friends, and I thank everyone who’s made me feel really welcome at the club, and at my previous clubs.“Football’s a special place and you find a lot of special people, and I feel really privileged to be a part of it.“To feel welcomed, to feel loved and for my family to feel embraced – we’ve just felt everything that this club has to offer and it’s truly special.“You’ve got to work hard to get that, you’ve got to work hard embed yourself with this because it’s not a stupid place, it doesn’t just give things out easily but it recognises people who are just willing to put themselves on the line, wear this badge with pride and honour, and try their best to represent it.”

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