新闻约翰·阿赫特伯格采访:“我很自豪能够帮助这么多守门员”。 John Achterberg 不太清楚真实的数字,但保守估计为 30 左右。

新闻约翰·阿赫特伯格采访:“我很自豪能够帮助这么多守门员”。 John Achterberg 不太清楚真实的数字,但保守估计为 30 左右。

在与 的对话中,荷兰人想知道他在俱乐部的 15 年里执教了多少名守门员。 无论总数是多少,他都会与每一个人保持联系。 “他们时不时都会发短信,或者我给他们发短信,”他说。 “我不再和任何人说话了。即使是来自特兰米尔的人,他们仍然疯狂地发短信。”我对他们一视同仁,我不想让第三名感觉不如第一名重要。 .1 因为我们都需要它们。如果有人受伤,你就需要下一个。”

The unique relationship between a goalkeeper and their position-specific coach can be explained as the reason for such long-lasting connections. A 'keeper tends to be separated from the rest of the team in the days leading up to a game, with their work on the training pitches led by the person in charge of that particular department."The only time I used to leave them when I was on my own was on minus-one [the day before a game] because the manager wanted them to be in the tactical training," Achterberg shares. "But when I was alone I trained the No.3, No.4 and No.5 separately two hours before. Then I could focus on the No.1 and No.2 for the game. "Obviously now with Jack [Robinson] and [Claudio] Taffarel being here, Taffa starts off with three, four and five and Jack joins him as soon as the warm-up is done. "We adapted to what was possible to make it as perfect as we can in the situation to give everyone the same attention, the same training needs to develop as an individual."The players Achterberg has nurtured, developed and pushed hard have all gone on to have differing journeys in the game. Some have won trophies for Liverpool, some are playing Champions League football elsewhere and others have made solid careers for themselves in various leagues. All of their stories have been and continue to be followed closely by a proud Achterberg.

"That's always been the aim – to create for them a career as a goalkeeper," he says. "That means [helping them] with what they have to do individually. "It's all individualised even though they work in a small group. If the No.1 and No.2 goes to the first team, we get to work with No.3, No.4 and No.5 on what they can improve on."It's big enjoyment seeing [Peter] Gulacsi making a good career. Kamil Grabara is doing well. Shamal [George] playing in the Scottish Premiership. Ryan Fulton plays in Scotland. Andy Firth playing in Wales. Yusuf Mersin played in Turkey and stuff like that. "[Dean] Bouzanis obviously went back to Australia, came back and is playing for Reading. Martin Hansen went to Holland and then back to Denmark, is still playing in Denmark. "[Pepe] Reina was unbelievable in his distribution and his game-reading as well. It shows what a career he's had – he's still playing this year – with Bayern Munich, Napoli, Villarreal, Aston Villa after he left us. "[Alexander] Doni only came for one year but you could see how good a goalie he was. Brad Jones had a good career, obviously had a difficult spell with his son and then went out on loan, came back, went from No.3 to No.2 and then went to Feyenoord and NEC in Holland and ended up in Saudi Arabia for a few years. "They all found a good career, and that's always been the plan – to make sure they have a chance and give them what they need."There's a lot of satisfaction to see that happen."Achterberg departs Liverpool this summer for a new challenge but leaves behind an extremely healthy goalkeeping department.

"I think we have the best goalie squad Liverpool has had in its history," he states. "Ali [Alisson Becker] is probably the best in the world, I would say, and what [Caoimhin] Kelleher shows is a massive level as well. He is showing the same high level."Kelleher is unreal. When we signed him when he was 16, he was agile but technically not very good. He was not tall either, so you take a bit of a gamble. "The development of that man has been unbelievable and how he has improved. Obviously the goalie coaches in the Academy worked with him as well. "Every time I thought one was ready to come up, I brought them up."Marcelo [Pitaluga] has been out on loan, Vitezslav Jaros has done really well. Harvey [Davies] was U9 I think when we signed him and then made it up to the first team, played in friendlies."After bidding farewell at Anfield last Sunday, Achterberg will remain their biggest supporters, just now from afar.

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